Walking, in the flowing silence - room 312

Shadows are present everywhere, seldom do we notice their eternal mimicry of our physical movements. In the midst of summer, days are longer and beaches long to be in our schedules; however there are always equally serene moments that can be found as the sun sets and its glare resides atop our skin. 

During these moments, the shadows dance spontaneously around the rays, transcending the mundane. room 312’s garments provide an inspired glimpse at what styling can look like during these fleeting moments.

- words by Alcee Li of room 312


Could you tell us more about the concept behind room 312?

room 312 acts as a physical crossway for people with similar interests to meet. In an increasingly digital world, we believe that face to face exchanges are meaningful and necessary. We embrace vintage archival designer clothing and unconventional print publications that are hard to find, especially here in Vancouver. Outside of sharing products and stories that inspire us, we hope to grow to include original works from rising designers as well as more objects of our own.


How did room 312 come into being?

After spending a few years working for other people, a desire to start something on my own grew. I eventually decided to quit my job coincidentally before the onset of the pandemic  and began discussing ideas with my partner Jason. During this time, the concept of room 312 was born, almost out of necessity to start something new and exciting. 

room312-summer-9 2.jpg

What aesthetics speak to you and your work with room 312?

The concepts of nature and honesty are always present within me, however there are numerous intangible influences that ultimately act as inspirations. This follows through to the way we display products and create editorial content which hopefully convey this aesthetic to our audience.


What influences your choice in items and publications sold at room 312?

For clothing, I am specific towards certain designers, their choice of materials, and the versatility/wearability of each piece. Beyond the technical details, the aura of the garment is important; I want the future owner to feel empowered by it. 

For publications, insightful interviews are the most important. The internet is a powerful but endless medium for knowledge; having a physical print provides a filtered resource for learning and nourishment. We don’t fancy selling print based solely off a ‘good’ cover. The publisher is also a crucial element when making choices.


What inspires the photography and editorials for room 312? 

Capturing small, fleeting moments. I feel nature moves in such an unpredictable but romantic way and find myself always taking photos or video of random moments, whether it’s a shadow on a wall, a flock of birds crossing the sky, or the wind blowing through falling leaves. These ordinary incidents are what make life special and we try to express this through film photography and our overall visual direction.


Art Direction - Alcee Li

Model - Chloe-Anne Hughes

Photographer - Sebastian Palencia

room 312 on IG and website